(as amended on August 15, 2024)

This Personal Data Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the “Privacy Policy”) applies to all Personal Data that the Site Administration may receive about the User or another person while using the site with the domain name The Site Administration asks you to carefully read the Privacy Policy and if you disagree with it (in whole or in any part), immediately stop using the Site and leave it.

This Privacy Policy applies to all stores located on the Marketplace at addresses that are subdomain names of

All stores located on the Marketplace under the subdomain name are subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy.


1. Basic concepts used in the Privacy Policy:

1.1. Administration of the Site - as specified in clause 8.2.4. of this Privacy Policy. The Site Administrator, independently or jointly with other persons, organizes and (or) carries out the Processing of Personal Data, and also determines the purposes of the Processing of Personal Data, the composition of the Personal Data to be processed, and the actions (operations) performed with the Personal Data.

1.2. Personal Data - information relating to a specific subject of personal data or determined on their basis, recorded on electronic, paper and (or) other tangible media.

1.3. Processing of Personal Data - actions aimed at accumulating, storing, changing, supplementing, using, distributing, depersonalizing, blocking and destroying Personal Data, carried out by the Site Administration using automation tools or without the use of such tools.

1.4. Confidentiality of Personal Data is a requirement for the Site Administration or other persons who have access to Personal Data to comply with the requirement not to allow their distribution without the consent of the Personal Data subject or the presence of another legal basis.

1.5. Privacy Policy - this document with all changes and additions, located on the Internet at

1.6. User – as specified in the User Agreement, as well as another person (if applicable).

1.7. Website is a website located on the Internet under the domain name

1.8. Registration on the Site is a set of actions by the User in accordance with the instructions, including providing Credentials and other information, using a special form of the Site’s user interface in order to create a Personal Account and gain access to a closed section of the Site.

1.8. Service – a service available on the Site that allows the User to use all the functionality provided for it under the User Agreement. Service 2 includes the interface, software and other elements necessary for proper functioning.

1.9. Goods – goods, works, services, results of intellectual activity, information about which is posted on the Site for the purpose of selling them to the User via the Internet in the manner and under the conditions established by the User Agreement.

1.10. Services of the Site Administration – services provided by the Site Administration to the User, information about which is presented on the Site.

1.11. Cookies are a small piece of data sent by the web server and stored on the User’s device used to access the Site, which the web client or web browser sends to the web server each time in an HTTP request when trying to open the page of the corresponding site.

1.12. IP address is a unique network address of a node in a computer network built using the IP protocol.

1.13. Personal Account is a closed part of the Site, which is a set of protected pages on the Site, created upon activation of the Personal Account and containing the User’s data on the Site, in which the Services provided on the Site are available to the User.

1.14. Order – a duly completed request from the User on the Site for the purchase and/or delivery of the Goods.

1.15. Credentials – a unique login and password created independently by the User during the Registration process on the Site, or later changed by the User through the Personal Account, used to access the Personal Account.

1.16. User Agreement is a document (with all amendments and additions to it) located on the Internet at

1.17. Software, software – the user part of the Personal Account of the Service, providing the User with additional functionality; all system software, firmware included in the Service, as well as all corrections, updates, enhancements and new versions of software provided on the Service.


2.1. This Privacy Policy applies only to information obtained during the use of the Site.

2.2. The Site Administration does not verify the accuracy of the Personal Data provided by the User.

2.3. The User's use of the Site means full, unconditional and unconditional agreement with this Privacy Policy and the terms of Processing of the User's Personal Data.

2.4. By accepting this Privacy Policy, the User thereby gives his consent to the Site Administration to Process his Personal Data specified in clauses. 3.2.- 3.10. of this Privacy Policy, including collection, recording, accumulation, storage, clarification (correction, update, change), extraction, use, transfer to third parties (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of Personal Data for the purpose of specified in clause 4.1. of this Privacy Policy.

2.5. If the User does not agree with the terms of the Privacy Policy, he must immediately stop using the Site and leave it.

2.6. This Privacy Policy is published on the Internet at:

2.7. Rights of the Site Administration:

● collect the User’s Personal Data through subscription/registration/Order forms on the Site;

● provide services, sell yourself and enable others to sell Products on the Site, provide Users with access to the Service;

● collect, record, accumulate, store, clarify (correction, update, change), extract, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalize, block, delete, destroy Personal Data;

● transfer Personal Data of Users to third parties to achieve the goals specified in clause 4.1. of this Privacy Policy.

2.8. Responsibilities of the Site Administration:

● The Site Administration is obliged to use the received Personal Data solely for the purposes specified in clause 4.1 of this Privacy Policy. Processing of Personal Data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting Personal Data is not permitted;

● in case of loss or disclosure of confidential information, the Site Administration is not responsible if this confidential information:

- or became public domain before its loss or disclosure;

- or was received from a third party prior to its receipt by the Site Administration;

- or was disclosed with the consent of the User;

● The Site Administration is obliged to inform the User of information about the Processing of Personal Data of such User carried out by the Site Administration upon his request;

● The Site Administration is obliged to ensure reliable protection of the User’s Personal Data and protection of their confidentiality.

2.9. User rights:

● The User has the right to demand from the Site Administration clarification of his Personal Data, blocking or destruction of it if the Personal Data is incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, illegally obtained or is not necessary for the stated purpose of processing, by sending an email to feedback@artpozolota .com (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2, Appendix No. 3 to this Privacy Policy);

● The User has the right to send a request to the Site Administration regarding his Personal Data, which is processed by the Site Administration, by sending a request (Appendix No. 4 to this Privacy Policy) to the Site Administration at the email address The deadline for the Site Administration to send a response to the User is 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date the Site Administration received the User’s request to which a response is given;

● The User has the right to send to the Site Administration a withdrawal of his consent to the Processing of Personal Data.

2.10. User Responsibilities:

● When using the Site, the User is obliged to provide his Personal Data required by the Site Administration to ensure the User’s ability to use the Site;

● The User is obliged to securely store the Credentials for accessing the Site, transferred to the Site Administration during Registration on the Site.

2.11. The Site Administration processes Personal Data on a legal and fair basis.

2.12. The Site Administration receives Personal Data directly from Users.

2.13. The Site Administration carries out the Processing of Users' Personal Data with their consent, provided in writing or by performing implied actions.

2.14. The Site Administration is not responsible for the fact that any Personal Data that the User deliberately posted in the public domain on the Site was used by third parties (fraudsters, spammers, advertisers, etc.).

2.15. The User agrees that the Site Administration will send to the email address specified by him, letters with Site news, information about new services (including Site Administration Services), Products, special offers, advertising and other useful information, in the opinion of the Site Administration, both from the Site Administration and from other persons (in particular, from partners of the Site Administration). At the same time, the User has the right at any time to refuse to receive such letters from the Site Administration, either by clicking on the appropriate unsubscribe link, which is present in each such letter received by the User, or by sending the corresponding notice in free form to the email address of the Site Administration feedback@artpozolota .com.

2.16. If the User places his personal photograph and/or any other image in his Personal Account, and/or if this image is the subject of copyright or includes it, then by clicking the “Save” button, the User allows the Site Administration to use such image in any way , including by reproduction, distribution, translation, public performance, public display, broadcasting and cable communication, making available to the public without restrictions on territory and period of use.


3.1. This Privacy Policy establishes the responsibilities of the Site Administration for the Processing of Users’ Personal Data, their protection, including ensuring a regime for protecting the Confidentiality of Personal Data that the User provides to the Site Administration in the following cases:

- when filling out the registration form for Registration on the Site;

- when leaving reviews and/or comments on the Site;

- when filling out the feedback form on the Site;

- when sending a claim to the Site Administration;

- when filling out data in your Personal Account on the Site;

- when filling out data when placing an Order for Products in the cart on the Site;

- when filling out a chatbot or online consultant form on the Site (in the process of written, electronic and oral communication with the Site Administration for the purpose of ordering Site Administration Services);

- in the process of written, electronic and oral communication with the Site Administration in order to gain access to the Site.

3.2. The Site Administration collects two types of information about the User:

- information that the User knowingly provided to the Site Administration in the process of using the Site;

- technical information automatically collected by the Site software during the User’s visit.

3.3. Personal Data is provided by the User by filling out the registration form on the Site, which appears after clicking on the “Registration” button.

When Registering on the Site, the User provides the following information:

· your mobile phone number;

· your email address;

· your last name;

· own name;

· your patronymic;

· registration number of the tax payer's account card (Identification code)

· password (to log into your Personal Account using your email address);

When Registering on the Site, the User has the opportunity to additionally provide the following information:

· passport data (series, number, code and by whom it was issued);

· registration/residence address;

· your date of birth;

· upload your photo (“avatar”) to your Personal Account.

- other data (at the User’s request).

The User also has the opportunity to log into the Personal Account through the social networks VKontakte, Facebook, Google, as well as through a personal account opened on the Site. In this case, the Site Administration becomes available to the User’s Personal Data, which is open to public access in accordance with the settings of the User’s account in each specific social network, as well as to the email address attached to the specific account of the social network chosen by the User.

3.4. Personal Data is provided by the User when leaving a review and/or comment about the Products on the Site and includes the following information:

- his name;

- his last name;

- his photo (“avatar”) from his Personal Account (if available);

- other data (at the User’s request).

3.5. Personal Data is provided by the User when filling out the feedback form on the Site and includes the following information:

- your email address;

- your mobile phone number.

When filling out the feedback form on the Site, the User has the opportunity to additionally provide the following information:

- own name;

- other data (at the User’s request).

3.6. Personal Data is provided by the User when sending a complaint to the Site Administration and includes the following information:

- his name;

- his last name;

- his patronymic;

- his registration number of the tax payer’s account card (Registration code)

- his passport details;

- his place of residence;

- his contact details (his postal address and/

or his email address and/or his mobile phone number, etc.);

- other User data necessary to consider the claim on its merits (for example, details of the User’s bank account and/or the User’s bank card - if the claim is related to the return of funds);

- other data (at the User’s request).

3.7. Personal Data can be provided by the User (at the User’s request) when filling out data in the Personal Account on the Site and includes the following information:

● his name;

● his last name;

● his patronymic;

● his email address;

● password (to log into your Personal Account using your email address);

● his date of birth;

● other data.

3.8. Personal Data is provided by the User when filling out the data when placing an Order for Products in the cart on the Site and includes the following information:

- his name;

- his last name;

- his email address;

- his mobile phone number;

- method of receiving the Goods and other related information (for example, the delivery address of the Goods - when choosing the method of receiving the Goods - “Delivery”);

- other data (at the User’s request).

3.9. Personal Data is provided by the User in the process of written, electronic and oral communication with the Site Administration in order to gain access to the Site and includes the following information:

● his name;

● his last name;

● his email address;

● his mobile phone number;

● other related information;

● other data (at the User's request).

3.10. Technical information automatically collected by the Site software during the User’s visit includes:

● IP address;

● information from cookies;

● browser information;

● information about the type of device (mobile device, personal computer);

● access time. It also includes analytical data obtained as a result of the Site’s use of web analytics services. This information is used solely for internal and external marketing purposes (to analyze trends in Site visits and improve Site Services).

3.11. The Site implements User identification technology based on the use of Cookies. Cookies may be stored on the device used by the User to access the Site, which will later be used for automatic authorization and to collect statistical data, in particular, about traffic to the Site. The Site Administration may use and disclose information about use of the Site, for example, to determine the extent of use of the Site, improve its content, explain the usefulness of the Site and Site Administration Services, and to expand the functionality of the Site. By accepting this Privacy Policy, the User gives his consent to the Site Administration that the technical information specified in clause 3.10. of this Privacy Policy, collected on the Site may be transmitted over the Internet.

3.12. The Site Administration does not store Personal Data in Cookies. The Site Administration uses the information recorded in Cookies, which does not identify individual Users, to analyze trends, administer the Site, determine User movements around the Site, and to collect demographic information about the base population of Users as a whole.

3.13. If the User does not want the Site Administration to collect technical information about him using Cookies, then the User must stop using the Site or prohibit the storage of Cookies on his device used to access the Site by setting his browser accordingly. At the same time, you should keep in mind that the Site Services using this technology may be unavailable.

3.14. The User confirms his consent to the Processing of Personal Data:

- when filling out the registration form for Registration on the Site by clicking on the “Register” button located after the form;

- when leaving a review and/or comment on the Site by clicking on the “Publish” button located after the form;

- when filling out the feedback form on the Site by clicking on the “Submit” button located after the form;

- when filling out data in your Personal Account on the Site by clicking on the “Save” button located after the form;

- when filling out the data when placing an Order for Products in the cart on the Site by clicking on the “Continue” button located after the form.

3.15. Consent to the Processing of Personal Data provided when sending a complaint to the Site Administration is carried out by filling out the form provided by the Site Administration. The User is obliged to send a completed and signed consent form for the Processing of Personal Data by email along with the text of the complaint.

3.16. In other cases not specified above, the User confirms his consent to the Processing of Personal Data by entering into any process of communication with the Site Administration.

3.17. When placing an Order for Goods and choosing a payment method using a bank card, the User indicates the bank card number, its validity period, and the CVV/CVC code. Such information is processed by the services of banks, payment systems and other organizations related to payment. The Site Administration does not have access to it.

3.18. When placing an Order for Goods and making online payment, after clicking the “Place Order” button, the User enters his Personal Data, including the payment information necessary to make the payment. Such information is processed by the services of banks, payment systems and other organizations related to payment. The Site Administration has access only to part of the Personal Data entered in these forms, namely: first name, last name, telephone number, email address, payment method (without specifying payment information).

3.19. The Site Administration guarantees that it never provides (transfers) Personal Data to third parties, except in cases where:

● this is directly required by current legislation (for example, upon a written request from a court or law enforcement agencies);

● The user has agreed to the transfer of his Personal Data;

● transfer of Personal Data is necessary for the provision of Services to the Site Administration, delivery of Goods, conclusion of contracts;

● the transfer of Personal Data occurs as part of the sale or other transfer of a business;

● the transfer of Personal Data occurs as part of the transfer of the Personal Data database from one server to another in accordance with the contractual relations of the Site Administration;

● this is required to provide support for servicing Users or to assist in the protection and security of systems and Site Administration Services.


4.1. The processing of Personal Data must be limited to the achievement of specific, pre-defined and legitimate purposes. Processing of Personal Data that is incompatible with the purposes of collecting Personal Data is not permitted. The Site Administration uses the Personal Data of Users for the following purposes:

- for feedback from the User (answering questions, processing reviews, demands and claims); - for delivery of Goods to the User;

- to provide services to the User (including Site Administration Services);

- for marketing research;

- for targeting;

- for sending letters, messages, notifications, etc. with information about User Orders, as well as information about news from the Site Administration and its partners, including advertising;

- to create an account using User Credentials and Personal Account to access the Site Service;

- to fulfill User Orders generated on the Site; - to fulfill its obligations under agreements with Users;

- to improve the quality of service provision (including Site Administration Services), the quality of work with Users;

- conclusion and execution of contracts with counterparties;

- to provide the User with the Service available on the Site;

- for the Site Administration to carry out actions on behalf of the User;

- to ensure interaction between Users (if necessary).


5.1. The Site Administration carries out the following list of actions with Personal Data: collection, recording, accumulation, storage, clarification (correction, updating, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), depersonalization, blocking, deletion, destruction of Personal Data, as well as transfer to third parties if it is necessary to interact with third parties in order to achieve the purposes of Processing Personal Data (specified in clause 4.1).

5.2. The Site Administration processes Personal Data in the following ways:

● using automated means of Processing Personal Data;

● without the use of automated means of Processing Personal Data (Personal Data is processed manually by the Site Administration). The storage address for Personal Data is established by the Site Administration.

5.3. In order to deliver Goods to the User, the Site Administration enters into an agreement with the delivery service, according to which the Site Administration, among other things, instructs the delivery service to process the User’s Personal Data. As part of these contractual relations, the Site Administration transfers to the delivery service the User’s Personal Data specified in clause 3.8. Privacy Policy. The User's Personal Data specified in this paragraph is processed in accordance with the privacy policy of the delivery service for the period until the purpose of Processing Personal Data is achieved in each specific case. The storage address of Personal Data by the delivery service is established by it independently and brought to the attention of the Site Administration.

5.4. To achieve the goals specified in clause 4.1 of this Privacy Policy, the Administration of the Site enters into an agreement with the mailing service, according to which the Site Administration, among other things, entrusts this service with the Processing of the User’s Personal Data. As part of these contractual relations, the Site Administration transfers the following Personal Data of the User:

- Name;

- surname;

- phone number;

- E-mail address.

The User's Personal Data specified in this paragraph is processed in accordance with the privacy policy of the mailing list service for a period until the purpose of Processing Personal Data is achieved in each specific case. The address for storing Personal Data by the mailing service is established by it independently and brought to the attention of the Site Administration.

5.5. To achieve the goals specified in clause 4.1 of this Privacy Policy, the Site Administration/Trade Partner enters into agreements with the bank and/or other organizations involved in the payment process, according to which the Site Administration/Trade Partner, among other things, instructs the bank and/or other organizations involved in the payment process, Processing of the User’s Personal Data. As part of these contractual relations, the Site Administration/Trade Partner has the right to transfer to the bank and/or other organizations involved in the payment process the following Personal Data of the User:

- his name;

- his last name;

- his patronymic;

- his mobile phone number;

- his email address;

- IP address of the electronic device used by the User to make payments;

- other data necessary for the proper implementation of the payment process (in particular, the name and country of the bank issuing the card, the payment system of the card, the validity period of the card).

The User's Personal Data specified in this clause is processed in accordance with the privacy policy of the bank and/or organization involved in the payment process until the purpose of Personal Data Processing is achieved in each specific case.

5.6. To achieve the goals specified in clause 4.1 of this Privacy Policy, the Site Administration enters into an agreement with the SMS messaging service, according to which the Site Administration, among other things, entrusts this service with the Processing of the User’s Personal Data. As part of these contractual relations, the Site Administration transfers the following Personal Data of the User:

- Name;

- surname;

- phone number.

The User's Personal Data specified in this clause is processed in accordance with the privacy policy of the SMS mailing service for a period until the purpose of Personal Data Processing is achieved in each specific case. The address for storing Personal Data by the SMS mailing service is established by it independently and is brought to the attention of the Site Administration.

5.7. The transfer of the User's Personal Data to third parties (in particular, banks and other organizations involved in the payment process) is carried out with the consent of the User, which is given by the User from the moment of starting to use the Site, and solely for the purposes specified in clause 4.1. of this Privacy Policy (in particular, for the delivery of Goods and for making payments (including when returning money to the User), to ensure interaction between Users).

5.8. The User's Personal Data may be transferred to authorized government bodies, bodies of inquiry and investigation, and other authorized bodies only on the basis and in the manner established by applicable law.

5.9. Nothing in clause 5. “PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS FOR PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA” of this Privacy Policy cannot be interpreted as a condition that violates the laws relating to personal data and/or their processing.

In case any condition of clause 5. “PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS FOR PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA” of this Privacy Policy contradicts the legislation applicable to personal data and/or their processing, then such a condition is not subject to application, but is applied to the relevant part of the current legislation. At the same time, other conditions of clause 5. “PROCEDURE AND CONDITIONS FOR PROCESSING PERSONAL DATA” of this Privacy Policy apply to the extent that they do not contradict the legislation relating to personal data and/or their processing.


6.1. The Site Administration protects the User's Personal Data by applying generally accepted security methods to ensure the protection of information from loss, unauthorized or accidental access, distortion and unauthorized distribution, destruction, modification, blocking, copying, as well as any other unlawful actions with the Personal Data of third parties. Security is implemented by network security software, access verification procedures, the use of cryptographic information security tools, compliance with this Privacy Policy, as well as other internal documents regulating the rules for Processing Personal Data.

6.2. If Personal Data has been lost or disclosed, the Site Administration is obliged to inform the User about this. 6.3. The Site Administration, together with the User, takes all necessary measures to prevent losses or other negative consequences caused by the loss or disclosure of the User’s Personal Data.

6.4. Personal Data is kept confidential by the Site Administration, except in cases where the User voluntarily posted information for public access in messages, comments, reviews or otherwise on the Site.


7.1. The processing of Personal Data provided during Registration on the Site is carried out within the period from the moment of Registration on the User’s Site until the moment of deletion of his Account Data, unless otherwise provided by current legislation.

7.2. Unless otherwise provided by other clauses of this Privacy Policy or current legislation, then Processing of Personal Data other than those mentioned in clause 7.1. of this Privacy Policy, is carried out until the Site Administration receives from the User an application for the destruction of his Personal Data or until the purpose of Processing Personal Data is achieved.

7.3. The condition for termination of the Processing of Personal Data may also be the expiration of the consent or withdrawal of the User’s consent to the Processing of his Personal Data, as well as the identification of unlawful Processing of Personal Data.

7.4. Unless otherwise provided by current legislation, the period for Processing Personal Data received when subscribing to the newsletter is determined by the User. The user independently unsubscribes from the mailing list by clicking on the unsubscribe link, which is in each letter received, or by sending a request to the Site Administration at

7.5. Processing of Personal Data received when placing an Order for the purchase of Goods is carried out as long as the User’s Personal Account is available on the Site, as well as for 3 (three) years from the date of removal of the Personal Account from the Site, or until the Site Administration receives an application for destruction from the User his Personal Data, unless otherwise provided by applicable law.


8.1. The Site Administration processes Personal Data on the basis of the User’s consent to the Processing of Personal Data in accordance with the law of its location, as well as on the basis of:

● Charter of the relevant Site Administration;

● agreements concluded between the relevant Site Administration and the User;

● agreements concluded between the relevant Site Administration and third parties (including banks and other organizations involved in the payment process) for the purpose of providing services to the User (including Site Administration Services), selling and delivering Goods to the User, and carrying out business processes by the Site Administration;

● consent to the Processing of Personal Data.

8.2. When deciding which law is applicable to legal relations during the use of this Privacy Policy, you must be guided by the following:

8.2.1. When Registering on the Trade Partner's Site, the legal relationship between the Trade Partner and the Site Administration is governed by the law of the location of the corresponding Site Administration.

8.2.2. When Registering a User on the Site, the legal relationship between the User and the Site Administration is governed by the law of the location of the corresponding Site Administration.

8.2.3. When concluding an agreement between the Buyer and the Trade Partner, the legal relationship between the Buyer and the Trade Partner is governed by the law of the location of such Trade Partner.

8.2.4. When applying clause 8.2.1. – clause 8.2.3. of this Privacy Policy you must be guided by the following:

- a User located on the territory of Ukraine who registers on the Site enters into legal relations with the Site Administration - an individual - entrepreneur Kamyshanov Danil Pavlovich (abbreviated name - FLP Kamyshanov D.P.), registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine (identification code 3698905772), location: 61145, Ukraine, Kharkov city, Novgorodskaya, house No. 20, apartment 10, place of business: 61145, Ukraine, Kharkov city, Novgorodskaya, house No. 20, apartment 10, email addresses:;

- located outside of Ukraine enters into legal relations with the Site Administration - an individual - entrepreneur Kamyshanov Danil Pavlovich (abbreviated name - FLP Kamyshanov D.P.), registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine (identification code 3698905772), location: 61145, Ukraine, city Kharkov, Novgorodskaya, house No. 20, apartment 10, place of business: 61145, Ukraine, Kharkov city, Novgorodskaya, house No. 20, apartment 10, email addresses:;

- the Trade Partner located on the territory of Ukraine, carrying out Registration on the Site, enters into an Agency Agreement - an Offer with the Site Administration - Individual Entrepreneur Kamyshanov Danil Pavlovich (abbreviated name - FLP Kamyshanov D.P.), registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine (identification code 3698905772), location: 61145, Ukraine, Kharkov city, Novgorodskaya, building No. 20, apartment 10, place of business: 61145, Ukraine, Kharkov city, Novgorodskaya, building No. 20, apartment 10, email addresses: ;

- a Trade Partner located outside of Ukraine who carries out Registration on the Site enters into an Agency Agreement - an Offer with the Site Administration - an individual entrepreneur Kamyshanov Danil Pavlovich (abbreviated name - FLP Kamyshanov D.P.), registered in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine (identification code 3698905772), location: 61145, Ukraine, Kharkov city, Novgorodskaya, building No. 20, apartment 10, place of business: 61145, Ukraine, Kharkov city, Novgorodskaya, building No. 20, apartment 10, email addresses: ;


9.1. If it is confirmed that the Personal Data is inaccurate, it is subject to clarification (correction, update, change) by the Site Administration.

9.2. The User’s Personal Data provided during Registration on the Site, which is stored and processed by the Site Administration, may be destroyed based on the User’s request sent to the Site Administration. In this case, the User will not be able to use the Site.

9.3. When the purposes of Processing Personal Data are achieved, as well as in the event that the User withdraws his consent to their processing, Personal Data is subject to destruction within 7 (seven) business days from the date of achieving the purpose of their processing or receiving the above-mentioned withdrawal, if:

● The Site Administration does not have the right to Process Personal Data without the consent of the User;

● otherwise not provided by the agreement between the Site Administration and the User.

9.4. The Site Administration blocks Personal Data about the User from the moment it receives the corresponding request from the User, or if the Personal Data is unreliable or unlawful actions in relation to the Personal Data are detected - for the period of verification.

9.5. The Site Administration carries out clarification, destruction and blocking of the User's Personal Data within 7 (seven) business days from the date of receipt of the corresponding request from the User (Appendix No. 1, Appendix No. 2 and Appendix No. 3 to this Privacy Policy).

9.6. The Site Administration responds to User requests for access to Personal Data (Appendix No. 4 to this Privacy Policy) within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the User’s corresponding request.


10.1. The Site Administration has the right at any time, unilaterally at its own discretion, without specifying reasons and without obtaining anyone’s consent (including without the consent of the User) to make any changes and additions to this Privacy Policy.

10.2. Specified in clause 10.1. changes and additions come into force from the moment the Privacy Policy is posted on the Site with the corresponding changes and additions, unless otherwise specified by the Site Administration.

10.3. The User undertakes to independently monitor the current version of the Privacy Policy on a daily basis, which is located on the Site at:

10.4. Nothing in this Privacy Policy shall be construed to imply that it violates applicable law.

If any condition of this Privacy Policy contradicts current legislation, then such condition shall not be applied, but the current legislation shall apply to the relevant extent. At the same time, other terms of this Privacy Policy apply to the extent that they do not contradict current legislation.